
29 January 2012

New gpg key.

My current gpg key (hosted on a pgp server) expires tomorrow. I created if for a year because I didn't know if I was going to use it at all or not.

To tell you the truth. I have never used it, at least that I remember. Anyway, I think that having a key is very handy and it does not do any harm. I think I should start using it in my e-mails.

This new key does not expire and it is hosted at


You can also find it in my Profile

08 January 2012

pharc v 2.0 released.

Today I released pharc 2.0. pharc is a script that organizes your phlog posts on a yearly basis.

pharc is based on mkphlog written by octotep. The reason for releasing v 2.0 is that mkphlog has been updated to v.0.2 so I needed to adapt my script to the changes.

You can read my phlog post on the release of mkphlog v.0.2 in my phlog here (gopher link)

You can read my phlog post on the release of pharc v.2.0 in my phlog here (gopher link)

pharc is version controlled using git. You can find the script v.2.0 here

If you're interested in the .deb package it is available in two places:

a. In my gopher hole (gopher link)
b. here: pharc 2.0-1 all.deb

The changelog is:
  • Updating for mkphlog v.0.2
  • Adding version number 2.0
  • Adding license (2012)

04 January 2012

To .deb or not to .deb, that's the question...

Hey, what did you expect? I'm a poet, not a coder ;)

This short blog post is just to inform you that I am writing a new tutorial on how to build a .deb package in just five minutes with equivs

03 January 2012

My first .deb

\o/ Today I built my first debian package or .deb

I wrote the source code of the package myself. You can find the main script here. It is a simple script to archive phlog (gopher blog) posts on a yearly basis. I called it pharc which stands for phlog archiver. It is based on the mkphlog script, written by octotep, that I use to build my own phlog

It takes a little bit of work, then

    $ debuild -us -uc

And voilĂ ! you can find the package here:

pharc 1.0-1 all.deb

Important: This package was built for learning purposes only. It has some limitations I am perfectly aware of. Just to name a few:
  • The script assumes that you have a link in your $HOME/gopher to your gopher server. And that all your posts are in directories named $(date +%m-%d-%y)
  • The makefile is ridiculous. It only has seven lines! I wrote it in 25 seconds just to experience quick success. Now if you're really curious I can paste it here or somewhere else.
  • The complete list of files is not available online. They are stored on my server but if you want them you can ask for them. Here is the list:

  • Who uses gopher or keeps a phlog anyway?

01 January 2012

'pharc' a phlog archiver.

I write my phlog using a script called mkphlog. It creates each phlog post in the form of a directory using the following variable: entrydate=date +%m-%d-%y
I started my phlog in October so there were not many posts. However, reaching the end of the year made me realize that I had to devise a way to archive all the posts on a yearly basis. Doing it by hand took me approximately 10 minutes. It basically means copying a bunch of directories into a single directory and editing the gophermaps so that the servers know where to look for files once the links are clicked.
But as you can imagine I am a busy person and I just can't add any more thing to my todo. So I decided to write a script to do the work for me automatically every year. Isn't that fantastic? Well it didn't take long to write a first functional version of the script. However, like all scripts, it was open for improvement.
This afternoon I have improved it a bit and I have committed what I imagine is the final version as of now. You can see it here
By the way, the title of this post is self explanatory enough. I called it pharc which stands for "phlog archiver". It would be very nice that someone tested it and found it useful.