
17 October 2024

Screenshot of the week 17

 From "The Chronicles of Riddick" when Riddick and Jack/Kyra escape from prison.

07 October 2024

Can anyone tell me why?

 Here is the thing:

Where I live (and places nearby) when you go to a regular bar or restaurant, let's call it a cheap place, you choose what you want to eat from a selection of dishes. And that's ok with me. The quantity or quality of course depends on the place, but on the average, you can eat excellent dishes for a decent price in Spain.

BUT (notice capital letters) 

If you go to an expensive restaurant, and this has been so for several (too many years now) you are offered a variety of starters (usually four or five) and then the main course. You can choose the main course, but fsck fsck and fsck you cannot choose the starters, they are usually left to the excellent taste of the chef. 

Man I do not eat any kind of fish, let alone escargots and in my area you are usually given for starters fish and escargots one after the other which means I have to starve for at least one hour or one hour and a half until I can sink my teeth into some good piece of meat.

I swear I will never go back to such fine restaurants unless one of these two conditions are met:

1. I have no other choice than going because you are invited in a situation you cannot say no

2. I can choose which starters are presented in front of me.

I swear again I'd rather stay at home and prepare a sandwich than going to one of those places again. Can now someone tell me why this shit happens? I have not been able to find a reasonable answer, and I have talked about it with many people, They all seem to agree that being offered those starters is okay with them. Maybe I am being a weirdo here. Who knows...

04 September 2024

02 September 2024

Tomatoes 2024

I got plenty.

These are hybrid tomatoes (there is a bird net to protect them):

These are pink tomatoes. Sweet and tasty and vig (vig stands for very big) *lol*