But the real deal is that I'm trying to install Squeeze in my eeepc 701. Nothing out of the ordinary it seems, but pay attention to the process:
First I used clonezilla-live-1.2.6-40-i686 to make a copy of the entire system just in case things go wrong.
Second I want to install Squeeze. I use a live debian system with installer. The debian-squeeze-live-beta2-i386-gnome-desktop.img installer does not work. So I have to think of an alternate method.
Third I can't upgrade in the usual way (apt-get dist-upgrade) because I'm out of disk space.
Finally I've downloaded a live version of the debian installer and see if it works. The instructions are here
I'll report success or failure.
UPDATE: Failure. Keep on trying.
UPDATE(Last minute): I have downloaded another Debian live version (A hybrid-iso. Last one was an .img) This time the installer seems to work perfectly but I'll wait until tomorrow to install it.