
31 December 2018

Merry Trees-mas

Yesterday I bought some evergreen trees which I want to plant in my orchard. They are tiny now but hopefully they will grow up very quickly in the rich soil I am preparing for them.

16 December 2018

Autumn deers

I took this picture early this morning in my village. Winter is around the corner but we are still enjoying this Autumn weather, rain, wind, but pretty warm weather.

30 November 2018

A picture of my car

Stephen Hilenburg passed away on November 26, 2018

01 August 2018

Reaching the top

This one with 0,871kg beats my record. But on the downside I think I've reached the top this season. There are several other huge tomatoes but not quite as big as this one. I would like to reach 1kg. Maybe next year...

27 July 2018

0.765kg is not bad at all

0.765 KG is not bad at all but I think I can do a lot better this year

26 June 2018

Screenshot of the week 14

It seems we all have to use ssl in our websites from now on, therefore, I have updated and to use https.

At the same time I had to tweak the html code a little bit as well as the the css of the site. It is not a big change, but I love how it looks like in elinks.

Note: The window manager is i3

Enjoy the screenshot of the week :)

24 May 2018

Look me in the eye

I was hit in the eye by a grain of corn. It hurt for a week :(

I gots tomatoes

In the tiny greenhouse

27 February 2018

31 January 2018

Fire TV

Pretty kewl and slick