
21 September 2011

Dual head

I didn't know where to exactly post these pictures, either in the Profile section of my website (where you can see my personal computers), in the Pictures section (a miscellaneous collection of pictures) or here in the blog. For the time being I'll upload them here.

As you can see I have bought a twin monitor for odd, my main desktop machine. I have not finished configuring it yet but I just couldn't help taking some pictures to show around.

The first picture shows a "cloned" display (both screens show the same windows). The second picture shows an "extended" display (different windows in each screen).

Here you are:

20 September 2011

Screenshot of the week 2 (wmii)

This is definitely not the best screenshot I could take. Maybe it was done in a hurry and the results are not out of the ordinary but with a bit of imagination it will do the trick.

This screenshot features one of the best tiling window managers I know: wmii I have just recently started to use it and I must admit it is far superior to other tiling applications. In order to learn about all its features and to see better screenshots, please visit the official website.

In the picture you can see htop (system monitor), mc (file manager) and scrot (screenshot application)

Using wmii:

Most window management is done using the keyboard, even though you can use the mouse as well to point and resize windows.

As usual most keystrokes are mnemonic: Alt+p = programs, Alt+s = stack mode, Alt +d = default and so on

One of the things I like the most about wmii is that you can start a terminal or as many terminals as you need by simply pressing Alt+Return. Really handy and straightforward.

18 September 2011

gnome-blog still not supporting uploading images : ( Trying drivel : )

Too bad gnome-blog can't upload images. Let's see what drivel can do.

Well, no luck : (

Trying gnome-blog again

Some time has passed since the first time I used this cool application. I left it aside because back then it couldn't handle images properly. I think it can now. So, let's give it a shot.