
20 December 2008


Last Sunday I was visiting Fedoraproject's site and I was drawn to the section "Who uses Fedora?"  I was amazed to learn there that the Nasa uses Gnu/Linux in their servers. Fantastic news!!!

It's also interesting to know that Linus Torvalds (If you follow the link and read the interview) has never used pure Debian because he prefers Fedora's ease of use. Well it's not bad at all, everyone using Debian knows a lot about package dependencies and compiling from source. There might be millions of reasons to use Debian but I can't imagine any better reason than having all dependencies resolved.

Anyway I downloaded Fedora 10 liveCD and I must admit that I like it a lot. I have been using it for a week on my laptop and on my ultra-portable and it works fine. It is perfect as desktop OS; it is capable of dealing with most day to day jobs. The repository is very good and complete (There are 7264 available packages)

But still I am not sure whether it is suited to stand hard work as a powerful Debian workstation does.  To begin with I wasn't able to locate the apache software using yum's gui. Yes, I downloaded the desktop edition, but still I missed the package.