
28 May 2013

Debian GNU/Hurd

The Debian GNU/Hurd team announced the release of Debian GNU/Hurd 2013.
I downloaded the image last night. I need to remember to login as root without a password. This is a screenshot of the OS in action.

11 May 2013

Reality check

Yes, high time to make a reality check :)

05 May 2013

debian 7.0 wheezy released

This weekend the debian team has released its 7.0 version codenamed wheezy (Now the new testing suite is jessie). It was officially published yesterday May 4th, 2013 but still today the debian-www, debian-publicity teams among others are still working at full speed finishing many remaining details.
Only two things to mention about this release:
First, the bug hunt continues, now with more strength, as new bugs will arise after the release.
Second, wheezy comes with 37,000 software packages whereas squeeze had 29,000. Impressive!!!
Congratulations to everybody who made it possible. Thanks!!!