
27 February 2009

chalsattack experimental

If anyone is wondering what I have been up to for the fortnight, the answer is: I have been working on an experimental webpage that I have called "chalsattack experimental". It is in my list of mirror sites, but it is far from any similarity to this page. It is more similar to a blog or something like that. Anyway it is only an experiment not meant to last long. And since it is a very small thing I quote it all here. I hope you like it:
(I insist. This is the complete webpage so far.)

"chalsattack experimental

*This document is a back to bare essentials experiment.
*It was created using a little script, and it is edited with the powerful mc "The midnight commander".
*There is no markup language, no links and no graphics.
*It is written in a stream of consciousness style.
*It may include a bit of html editing though. Nobody's perfect, not even I.
*It is also intended to be optimised for text-mode browsers such as lynx or w3m. I'll check it as the work progresses.

I have wanted to compose a text-only page for years. I got the idea from Debian's homepage. I like their site a lot, especially because it provides the information that visitors are looking for. That's it!!! Useful information. Visitors are not looking for eye candy. Although I'm not against it. When I design something I try to do it as beautiful as possible. But true inspiration came from Slackware's site. It has a little artwork but essentially it is text. Just text. Useful text.


One of the first sites I visited when I started using linux was and this week I came back to that site looking for a script and I discovered that the man also has a blog. "